Below is a showcase of some of my past projects. Hover over each image to learn more! Learn more about some of my coding experience and my participation in various Hackathons on GitHub!
A productivity mobile app created for both Android and iOS devices. Previously available for both iOS and Android users, now only available on the Google Play Store. Generated over $150 in revenue.
A full-stack app using the MERN Stack created for FOCUS Youth Organization. Allows FOCUS Youth executives, tutors, and volunteers to sign in and log their volunteer hours.
A poll app created for Slack depoloyed on all FOCUS Youth Orgaization Slack workplaces. Allows FOCUS Youth members to create polls free of charge, including anonymous polls and saving poll results for future use.
My personal website showcasing some of my past projects and built using NextJS and TailwindCSS.
Hi, I'm Daniel Wang and I am a first year Computer Science Student at the University of Waterloo ! In my free time, I enjoy taking part in initiatives that push for social change. Aside from a student, I'm also: